That's like asking us which of our children we love the most! 😅👶👶
Seriously though, while Organic Grass-fed Whey and Collagen Peptides are both high-quality, clean proteins they have very different properties, uses, and health benefits, so "which is better" is an apples-to-oranges comparison.
OK, but how do I choose which one is right for me?
Generally speaking, our Organic Grass-fed Whey protein is ideal for those looking to add more complete protein to their diet to boost their metabolism or build lean muscle.
Organic Grass-fed Collagen on the other hand are great for toning and firming skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, strengthening hair and nails, and supporting bone, joint, and gut health.
Of course, you can take both of them together to get all of these benefits, and we even wrote an entire blog post on the topic. Check out The Perfect Pairing: Why You Should Mix Collagen with Protein Powder to learn more!