Do I need to follow any particular diet while using Organic Grass-fed Whey?

The short answer is "it depends", but for the long answer (and the one we think you're looking for) keep reading! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‘

While you don't have to follow any particular diet to benefit from using Organic Grass-fed Whey, you can maximize your desired results by incorporating Organic Grass-fed Whey into an overall lifestyle plan. This plan would ideally include diet as well as movement and mindset practices.

So what if I just want to lose some weight and build some muscle?

Regardless of what your specific goal is, we always recommend basing your diet on whole foods and whole-food-derived supplements. In simple terms, these are foods that you can identify on sight, feature a minimum of natural ingredients, and don't require a chemistry degree to understand.

For fat loss: You'll want to create a "catabolic environment" (ie. one in which body tissues are being broken down) and to do this, you'll need to create a general calorie deficit of approximately 250-500 kcals per day. This can be accomplished by either eating less (reducing intake) or moving more (increasing expenditure) and if followed correctly, you can expect to lose about .5-1lb per week.

For muscle building: You'll want to create an "anabolic environment" (ie. one in which body tissues are being built up) and to do this you'll want to create a general calorie surplus of about 250-500 kcals per day. This can be accomplished by eating more (increasing intake) or moving less (decreasing expenditure) and if followed correctly, you can expect to gain about .5-1lb per week.

You mentioned "movement" and "mindset" as part of an overall lifestyle plan, what would that look like specifically?

You're in luck! We have a full blog post dedicated to the subject called "The Natural Force Lifestyle: A Threefold Path to Health and Vitality" that will tell you everything you need to know to #getstarted!

What other resources do you have that can help me to maximize the benefits of Organic Grass-fed Whey?

You're in luck again! Here are some additional blog posts on the subject that we think you'll enjoy:

How Much Whey Protein Should I Take? A Simple Guide for Your #goals

The Best Time to Take Whey Protein (If You Want Maximum Results!)



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